Welcome to New Hope Academy!

Success Personalized

New Hope Academy offers quality, educational opportunities which empower each student to reach their potential academically, socially, physically, and emotionally. Individualized, tailored instruction, in a structured and supportive environment, provides success for each student in a personalized manner.

New Hope Academy admits students on a non-sectarian basis without discrimination, of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities available at the school.

This non-discrimination policy includes the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.


Founded in 2009, New Hope Academy is a not-for-profit church day school and homeschool cover school under the direction of St. Francis Ministries of Millbrook, Alabama.

Every student has unique and complicated patterns of strengths and weaknesses, affecting academic, social, and emotional progress. The process of learning is neurologically-based. Students must learn to manage and maximize this system in order to enjoy a healthy, happy successful life.

New Hope Academy is a Christian-based, non-denominational school and allows prayer. We use both secular and religious curricula.


New Hope Academy serves a variety of different types of students including on level, above level, and those with learning challenges. Due to the unique programs offered at New Hope Academy, students often travel from surrounding counties to attend this specialized instruction.


New Hope Academy’s instructional curriculum is as unique as its learners. A sound, flexible, diagnostic-prescriptive approach is utilized, with research-based methods and materials adapted to meet individual needs. Every child has a learning plan that allows progression on his/her unique level and speed. Academic, social, as well as behavioral objectives, are addressed for each student.

New Hope Academy’s school climate is one of inclusion, encouragement, positive relationships, and recognition of accomplishment.

Low teacher/student ratios are coupled with small group and one-on-one instruction.

Many individuals with learning and developmental challenges have trouble with relationships, reading social cues, and distinguishing between appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Social skills programs embedded daily in the classroom provide the students greater confidence in social situations.

After school sports opportunities, clubs, dances, and other activities enhance the social skills and self-worth of New Hope’s students. At New Hope Academy, we strive for student participation in all activities. Many of New Hope Academy’s students were marginalized in other settings and not able to participate in these activities. The combination of specialized academics, social skills training, and participation in extracurricular activities results in low absenteeism, the development of strong friendships, genuine feelings of acceptance, happy demeanors, and most of all, success.


New Hope Academy provides Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade classes and multi-level special needs classes for students through age 21, all designed to meet the different learning styles of students.

New Hope Academy has an open admissions policy, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, creed, color, religion, or national origin.

Students are admitted on an individual basis, and interviews with parents and student are required. Parents of potential enrollees are encouraged to visit the school to determine if New Hope Academy can meet their child’s requirements. While New Hope Academy’s goal is to accept all students, certain medical, ambulatory, mental, behavioral, and emotional issues may be outside the realm of New Hope Academy’s capabilities. In certain situations, a student may be admitted on a provisional basis or with the agreement of certain adaptations to be provided by the parent. New students will be sent home with a form on the first day detailing both how the day went and any concerns. All students are required to fulfill a 30-day probationary period. After the probationary period, a form will be sent home so that the parents know how everything is going.

Diagnostic educational testing is administered prior to enrollment and as often as necessary at a minimal one-time charge, which is applied to tuition if the child is admitted. On occasion, this may be postponed until the student has entered and become acclimated to the school.

When a student is admitted, New Hope Academy dedicates the resources necessary for the student for the entire school year and incurs financial obligations which are funded by tuition and fees. Parents are responsible for the entire amount of tuition. Tuition is prorated for 12 months, and parents are required to sign a financial statement demonstrating that they understand that tuition must be paid during the months of June and July.

Tuition and fees are based on normal use of facilities. Reimbursement is required for lost or damaged textbooks, materials, or property. Grades or records will not be released until all financial obligations are met.


Registration for the following school year is held in the spring. Students currently enrolled at New Hope Academy are given the first opportunity to enroll. Payment of registration fees is required to secure the student’s place for the following school year. This registration fee is not refundable.

After the current student registration deadline, registration is open to new students.


Tuition for the 2017-18 school year is as follows:

K-8th – One Student: $395 per month for the 12-month period beginning August 1st, with last payment due July 1st.

9th-12th – One Student: $400per month for the 12-month period beginning August 1st, with last payment due July 1st.

Tuition is to be paid by the 5th day of each month. If the 5th falls on a weekend, payment must be made no later than the Monday following the weekend to avoid late fees. Payment may be made by check, cash or money order. There is a $35 charge for all returned checks. Payments made by credit cards will incur a fee. Payment may also be made automatically from a checking account by clicking on the link in the monthly invoice.


A late charge of $15 will be added to any fees not paid within the time allotted. When fees are more than a month delinquent, the information will be given to the director of the school, who will determine the course of action. Students may be asked to withdraw from New Hope Academy, and school records, including report cards, will not be issued until the account is current.


No school records, including report cards, will be transferred or released until financial obligations are met. This includes fees for tuition, lost textbook fees, student activity fees, and fees for After School Care. Once the account is current, complete school records will be released.


If it is necessary for the student to be withdrawn before the end of school year, please notify the school director at least two days in advance of the student’s last day. Please read the withdrawal policy below carefully.

1. If the administration determines that the school is not meeting the student’s needs, the parents will be requested to withdraw the student from the school. If this occurs, the tuition only will be prorated and refunded.

2. If a parent withdraws a student, and the school administration determines that the student’s needs are being met, no tuition will be refunded. Parents will be responsible for all tuition and fees for the month in which the student withdraws.

3. If a family moves out of town during the school year, the student’s tuition will only be due for the month in which the student withdraws. There will be no refund of registration or fees.

4. If a student is expelled for a disciplinary reason, no refund of fees will be given and the parents are responsible for the tuition up to and including the month the student was expelled.

5. Please refer to the section regarding “Delinquent Fees” for student record release.



Each teacher sets an assessment program appropriate to his/her student population. In addition, diagnostic testing to determine each child’s needs/placement is available. All students are administered standardized testing in the spring to determine progress. Depending on the student, this may be in the form of a group administered standardized test or an individual test.


• Pupil/teacher ratio is kept as low as is academically necessary for the dynamics of individual classrooms.

• With the exception of K3 and K4, instruction is provided by teachers who hold four-year degrees. Curricular emphasis for elementary students is placed on basic skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. Other curricular offerings include: spelling, social studies, science, music, computer literacy, and physical education.

• Frequent contact with parents is provided, and parents are encouraged to become involved in the instructional needs of their children.

• After diagnostic testing has been completed, teachers work to individualize the student’s curriculum. A student will be placed in a homeroom based on age and functioning levels and may have the option to attend another class during the academic day for a particular subject if he/she requires instruction at a different level than is provided in the homeroom. This may involve having the student work on a specific level of instruction in his/her homeroom or transferring to another classroom for the designated subject.

• Resource classes are provided for students functioning significantly below grade level who require a lower pupil/teacher ratio and additional support. Students will be selected for this program based on diagnostic testing results and instructional needs.

• New Hope Academy works with the Autauga County School System team to evaluate and plan for Special Education students. An Individual Educational Plan (IEP) will be developed for students who qualify.

• New Hope Academy utilizes a nine-week reporting system. All grade levels receive a mastery based report card instead of traditional grades. Letter grades will be recorded for transcript purposes. These grades will be reviewed at the parent/teacher conferences.

• Weekly papers are sent home with students.

• Parent conferences are held the week before report cards. Parents are required to attend.

• Accommodations and modifications will be made in all academic settings, where appropriate.

• Students working above grade level are provided with instruction based on their individual ability.


All students will receive a report card at the end of each nine weeks. Academic and conduct will be reported. Parents are also required to attend a parent /teacher conference the week before report cards go out. We focus on mastery of subject matter and not traditional grades. Traditional grades will be provided for transcripts.

Weekly papers will be sent home. The parents are to review and sign the folder containing the papers and return the folder and papers to the homeroom teacher the next day.


Homework at New Hope Academy is minimal, but necessary.

The amount of homework depends on your child’s level in school. It is important to keep in mind that written work is not the only type of homework.

The best means of helping your child to complete his/her homework is:

1. Provide a quiet place without distractions.

2. Review and sign the assignment book daily.

3. Check the assignment to assure it was completed correctly.

4. Sign the papers sent home.

5. Reinforce the instruction given by the teacher.


Hope Academy offers high school age students the choice of two programs for completing their education.

• Academically able students will complete a state approved high school diploma program.

• Students who are academically unable to meet the requirements for a high school diploma may work toward a certificate of achievement and attend a Multi-Level Class through age 21. These classes provide life skills labs, vocational skills and job preparedness. If the student turns 21 during the school year, they will be allowed to remain until the end of that school year.

The Alabama State Department of Education diploma curriculum requires a total of 24 credits, using a 4 X 4 model to include 4 maths, 4 sciences, 4 social studies and 4 English classes. The remaining credits are to be taken as electives.

Homework is assigned at the discretion of the teacher, and it will be consistent with the teacher’s objectives for the individual student and the student’s progress. Homework assignments will vary with subject, time, and student’s completion of class work. Homework will have a purpose relevant to class work and it will cover material that has been taught in the classroom.

Assignments not completed in class should be completed as homework. Students will confer with each individual teacher regarding incomplete assignments.


All students will receive a report card at the end of each nine weeks. Academic and conduct will be reported. Parents are also required to attend a parent /teacher conference the week before report cards go out. We focus on mastery of subject matter and not traditional grades. Traditional grades will be provided for transcripts.

Weekly papers will be sent home. The parents are to review and sign the folder containing the papers and return the folder and papers to the homeroom teacher the next day.


Students may begin arriving at school at 7:30 a.m. There is no teacher on duty before 7:25 a.m. Students in Ms. LaTonya’s room are to be dropped off in front of the school (Water St. side) and be escorted to the building with their teacher. All other students are to be dropped off at the side entrance to the school and enter the lunchroom through the end door. No student is to be dropped off without a duty teacher present. Assembly begins in the lunchroom promptly at 7:50 a.m. A student is considered late after 8:05 a.m. and must be signed in at the office by a parent and receive a tardy slip to be admitted to class.


Attendance and promptness are necessary for a successful school experience, and New Hope Academy students are expected to attend class. Although we take in consideration special circumstances, we expect students to attend school each day, especially since we have a four-day week. Special consideration may be made for those students with an extended or chronic illness or a death in the immediate family. We also take family trips into consideration. For High School, each class is considered a separate course, and students must be present in each class for the required number of days. A student must be in class more than ½ of the class period to be considered present for that class. Students having more than 10 absences from a class will not receive credit for the course. Please note that these 10 days are a total of both excused and unexcused absences per semester. For elementary grades, students cannot be promoted if they accumulate 20 absences per year.

A doctor’s excuse is required for absences due to illness over 4 days to be considered excused.

A student must be fever free for 24 hours before being readmitted to school.

1. Parents are required to send a written note to the child’s teacher on the day that the student returns to class. A note, signed by a parent or guardian, should state the student’s name, grade, dates of absence and the reason for absence. If a student is absent for 4 or more consecutive days or has had a contagious disease, a doctor’s certificate is required for the student to be readmitted to school. Without this note, the student’s absence will be considered unexcused.

2. The student is responsible for making up all work missed upon returning to school. Arrangements must be made with the classroom teacher. Teachers are not required to allow students to make up tests given during an unexcused absence.

3. If the parent feels that the student can complete some of the work at home during an illness, he/she should call the office before 8:45 a.m. on the day of the request, to arrange for assignments. The materials will be available for the parent to pick up after 3:00 p.m. on the day requested.

4. If the student is missing too many days, a parent conference will be held to determine if the student needs to continue at New Hope Academy.


A student is considered tardy after 8:05 a.m. and must be signed in at the front office and receive a tardy slip before going to class.

Elementary School

If a student arrives late to school but misses less than two hours, that student will be counted as tardy. Two to three and one-half hours of school missed will be considered as a half day’s absence. Five tardies will be considered as a ½ day unexcused absence.

Students are responsible for completing any class work missed.

High School

Students are allowed three tardies to school per semester without a consequence. The fourth tardy, and all tardies thereafter, will be counted as an absence for the first hour class. Parents will be notified when this occurs. Chronic tardiness to school will result in the student failing his/her first hour class.


Afternoon dismissal for Pre-K is at 12:00. All Pre-K students must be picked up in front of the school (facing Water St.) All Elementary and Middle School students and students in Mrs. Jeanette’s class will dismiss from the back of the school (lunchroom) at 2:25. All other High School students will dismiss from the FRONT of the school (facing Water St.) at 2:35. If a student is picked up before their dismissal time, it will be considered an early check out and students must be signed out at the office. (EARLY CHECKOUTS ARE DISCOURAGED AND SHOULD ONLY BE USED IN AN EMERGENCY.)

Students picked up from After Care must also be signed out by a parent. Students not picked up by the end of carpool time must report to New Hope Academy’s After School Care Program, and parents will be billed accordingly.

NOTE: If a student is to go home with another student who is not in their designated carpool, parental written permission is required. Under no circumstance will a child be released to anyone not on the transportation form in the school office without written permission. This policy is for your child’s safety.


Medical/personal appointments for students should be made after school hours. If your child must leave school before his/her regular dismissal time, a written request should be given to the homeroom teacher the morning of the appointment. When the appointment time arrives, the parent must sign out the student in the front office. The student must also be signed back in when returning to school after an appointment.

When returning from an appointment, a written doctor’s excuse is required.



After Care is provided for New Hope Academy students.

• After Care (hours: 2:45 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.) Monday through Thursday

Fees: $5.00 per day (All fees must be paid by the week in cash or by check. Fees are due by Thursday of each week.)


In some circumstances, school may need to close before or after the school day begins. In most cases, New Hope Academy will follow the directives of the Autauga County Public School System. Parents should listen to the radio or watch the local television stations when in question. Parents will also be notified by REMIND. Please be certain your contact information is kept current in the office.


Anyone entering the school campus must first check in with the school office. There is a sign-in notebook for parents and separate ones for visitors, therapists, and university students.


Please check your child’s assignment book daily. Daily communication between home and school is beneficial. If at any time you wish to meet with your child’s teacher or the principal, please notify the school secretary for an appointment. Each teacher also has a school e-mail. Please keep contact information current in the office.


Students need to bring a snack and lunch each day. Healthy foods are encouraged. There are several microwaves available for student use, and there is also a refrigerator for lunches, if needed. After Labor Day, healthy snacks and drinks will be sold for .50 each on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Also, a hot lunch menu will be available after Labor Day for Thursdays. The hot lunch menu will be sent out one week prior and must be paid for by the month. Due to the high incidence of peanut allergies in children, New Hope Academy adheres to a peanut free policy.


The teachers plan holiday celebrations throughout the year. Parents are welcome to bring cupcakes to be shared at lunch for birthdays. Please notify the teacher ahead and time and provide enough for the classes.


If a child is to receive medication at school, parents and staff must adhere to the following policy.

1. New Hope Academy will administer prescribed medications at lunchtime and at other times as designated and approved.

2. The medication must be in a labeled prescription bottle. The label must have the student’s name, medication type and dosage, times for medication administration and the physician’s name. Please ask the pharmacy to provide the smallest size bottle possible. Medication not properly labeled will not be administered.

3. The parent must transport the medication to school and give the bottle to the school secretary or director. At no time is a student to transport any medication or to have any medication in his/her possession.

4. Parents must complete appropriate paperwork when a prescription is brought to school.

5. Medication is stored in a locked area of the school.

6. All students are responsible for reporting to the office for their medication at lunch time.

7. Parents will be notified when the student’s medication supply is low.

8. Please send at least a one week supply of medication each time.

9. The school keeps a daily record of medication administered.

10 .At the end of the school year, all unused medication not retrieved is destroyed by administrative personnel.

The above policy applies to all medications, both prescription and non-prescription drugs. No medication will be given to a student without written clearance.


Middle and High School students are NOT ALLOWED to have electronic devices at school. This includes iPods, iPads, cell phones, MP3 players, and gaming devices. These devices will be confiscated and returned to the parent at the discretion of the director. If a student requires an electronic device for an after-school reason, it must be discussed with the administration and checked into the office upon arrival on campus. Students who drive to school must leave their cell phones in their car during the school day.

Students who require electronic devices for their disability will have that device written into their Student Success Plan.


Fire drills are conducted monthly as required by law. During a fire drill, students are to move quietly, quickly and orderly out of the building, as instructed by the teacher. The student must remain with his/her class in the assigned area until notified by a faculty member to return to the classroom. It is very important that students cooperate and treat their participation seriously.

Other emergency drills will be conducted periodically. Students will follow the teacher’s directions for the particular drill.


Throughout the school year, New Hope Academy’s students participate in many different activities and are often photographed. Additionally, a yearbook is printed annually with school portraits and candid shots of the students. By signing the photograph release form, New Hope

Academy has the right to use some of these photographs to promote the school in newspaper articles, on billboards, pamphlets, Facebook, etc.

Video may also be used for school events (i.e. school publicity) or used for teacher/student observation/evaluation.

Video used for evaluation/behavior shaping purposes will be confidential and used ONLY by those directly involved with the student (i.e. child’s parent, principal, teacher, paraprofessional, etc.).

Of course, New Hope Academy is very careful to not sensationalize the student or portray their image in a negative manner when using video/ photographs. We are proud of our students and wish to “show them off” as much as possible.



Students are welcome to bring their cars to the campus provided they drive in a safe manner and comply with the school’s regulations while entering or leaving campus. Student drivers must register their driver’s license and vehicle registration numbers with the office, park in the designated area for students, enter and leave the campus slowly, reduce the music volume, exit their cars promptly, and allow all parents who are picking up students to leave the parking lot first at dismissal.

Failure to comply with these regulations may result in the loss of driving or parking privileges on campus.


All students participate daily in physical education. A written excuse filed in the office is necessary for non-participation. A doctor’s excuse is needed for any student missing two consecutive days. Students will receive a grade in P.E. Skill is not the only grade criteria. Students will be expected to participate in activities and maintain good behavior and sportsmanship.


Students who elect to participate in extracurricular activities are expected to follow the same guidelines set for school behavior. Should a discipline problem arise during an extracurricular activity, a conference

will be held with the parent. At that time a decision will be made as to whether continued participation in this activity will be allowed. The director will have the final decision in this matter. Students who are absent from school or who receive a suspension, will not be allowed to participate in that day’s/evening’s extracurricular activity. Exceptions to this may be made for an absence due to a family emergency, death or appointment that constitutes an excused absence.


Field trips are a privilege and not an absolute right, as students attending field trips serve as representatives of New Hope Academy to the community. Participation may be denied based on academic or behavior problems. If a student elects not to participate in a school field trip, he/she must stay at home that day. This absence will be counted as an unexcused absence. All students are highly encouraged to attend all field trips. All money sent to school for field trips must be in a marked envelope with the child’s name, grade, and purpose of money listed.


Students are expected to have a clean, neat appearance and good personal hygiene. Uniforms are not required at New Hope; however, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • Shorts and skirts must pass the “fingertip test”. Hold your arms by your sides, and if your shorts or skirt are shorter than the end of your fingertips, it does not meet dress code standards and may not be worn.

  • Tank tops, low blouses, or t-shirts that display inappropriate content may not be worn. ALL shirts should have sleeves.

  • Flip flops are highly discouraged. Only tennis shoes may be worn for physical education.

  • Piercings other than ears are not allowed.

  • Facial hair should be kept neatly trimmed.

  • Jeans or pants should not have holes.

  • All pants must be worn up around the waist with no underwear exposed.

  • Hats, including berets, are NOT allowed to be worn in the building. This includes males and females.


Parents will be called to immediately come to school and provide appropriate clothing and/or grooming for their child. Failure to comply with clothing and grooming regulations may result in students being sent home, which will result in an unexcused absence.


Each student is solely responsible for the cost of all textbooks that are lost, stolen or damaged. Books and personal items should not be left on the floor or outside of the building. All items should be labeled with the student’s name.


New Hope Academy has a community service program for our middle and high school students. It is our belief that a community service requirement of 70 hours from the time middle school is entered until graduation (for one-half credit) is a worthwhile learning opportunity for our students and a way for our students to give back to the community.


New Hope Academy uses a Positive Behavior Support System allowing the teachers to set firm, consistent limits for students, while at the same time remaining aware of the students’ needs for warmth and positive support. All students are aware of the classroom rules and are rewarded for good behavior. Parents are informed of their child’s behavior. If students, teachers, and parents work together as a team, the learning environment in the classroom will be very positive and rewarding.

General school rules:

1. Follow directions the first time.

2. Respect people and property.

3. Be prepared for class.

4. Work quietly.

5. Always try your best.

When a student is guilty of a minor offense, after warnings from the teacher, the student is issued a slip and is removed from class and sent to office with his/her classwork.

After the student has been sent to the office three times, the student will receive in-school suspension. Three in-school suspensions will result in an out-of-school suspension. At this point, a parent conference will take place with the director of determine if New Hope is the appropriate school for the child.

Severe infractions are listed under “Major Offenses”.

Parents will be contacted by the end of the school day for “Major Offenses”.

Students who participate in extracurricular activities will lose the privilege of participation if a major offense is committed.

This policy also applies to field trips.


Major offenses include the following:

1. Stealing

2. Fighting

3. Profanity/obscenity

(including sexting, or sharing inappropriate messages/pictures via electronic


4. Severe disrespect

5. Destruction of property

6. Cheating (including plagiarism)

7. Forgery

8. Tobacco, alcohol or drug possession

9. Possession of matches or lighter

10. Damage to school property

11. Intentional misuse of computer/internet

12. Possession of a weapon at school

13. Possession of fireworks or explosives




The use of tobacco by anyone is prohibited on campus and surrounding property at any time. This includes all school sponsored events.

The term tobacco refers to cigarettes, vape, cigars, pipes and chewing tobacco. If these products are found in the possession of a student they will be confiscated and not returned.

The use of these products will result in a three day suspension for the first offense, a five day suspension for the second offense and expulsion for the third offense.

Alcohol /Drugs:

The use and/or possession of any type of alcoholic beverage, drug or drug paraphernalia on or off campus, in vehicles, on adjacent property, or at school sponsored activities is strictly forbidden.

Any student thought to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be immediately referred to the director. A drug screening will be required immediately. A negative result will be required prior to the student returning to school. Possession of alcohol, drugs, or drug paraphernalia will result in expulsion from school and notification to the proper legal authority.

Prescribed or “over the counter” medication must be brought to the office and will be dispensed by a designated staff member as per written instructions. Appropriate paperwork must be filled out by parent.

At any time, the drug dog from the School Drug Task Force may be asked to search New Hope Academy’s facility for the presence of illegal substances.


Any student found to possess a firearm, knife or any other device that could cause bodily harm to other students will be expelled from school immediately.


Middle and High School students are NOT ALLOWED to have electronic devices at school. This includes iPods, iPads, cell phones, MP3 players, and gaming devices. These devices will be confiscated and returned to the parent at the discretion of the director. If a student requires an electronic device for an after-school reason, it must be discussed with the administration and checked into the office upon arrival on campus. Students who drive to school must leave their cell phones in their car during the school day.

Students who require electronic devices for their disability will have that device written into their Student Success Plan.


A student guilty of damaging school property will be sent to the director’s office for disciplinary action and will be required to pay for the repair of damages.

Students are responsible for the proper use and care of classrooms, restrooms, supplies and furniture.

Students who disfigure or otherwise damage property will be held responsible for repair or replacement.

Severe damage to property will be reported to local law enforcement agencies and may result in expulsion.


Students and teachers are encourage to have a strong relationship with their students to help them develop both socially and academically. Teachers should obtain professional relationships with students and maintain proper boundaries. Contact out of school and school functions should be limited. Proper boundaries are to be set up and respected at all times.


All students should treat themselves, classmates, and faculty and staff with respect.


Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination prohibited by Federal and State law. It is the policy of New Hope Academy to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from sexual harassment. This policy specifically prohibits all forms of sexual harassment, including physical, verbal, written and electronic.


New Hope Academy prohibits the harassment, intimidation, and bullying of a student by another student, on or off school property including any intentional gesture or written, verbal, or physical act that:

  • a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of harming a student or damaging his property or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to his life or person or damage to his property; and

  • is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student.


New Hope Academy prohibits the harassment, intimidation, and bullying of a student by another student by use of electronic media inclusive of internet and its social media sites and all actions collectively known as cyberbullying. The term “cyberbullying” is defined as harassment, intimidation, or bullying of a student by another student using a computer, mobile phone, or other interactive or digital technology, or harassment, intimidation on or off school property when the action or actions are intended to have an effect on the student when the student is on school property.


First Offense – In-school Suspension and counseling/training on bullying

Second Offense–Three-Day Suspension–Parent-student conference with the director required prior to returning to school.

Third Offense –Expulsion


Students must be supervised and follow the teacher’s directions at all times while using the school computers and internet system. Inappropriate internet use may result in serious consequences, including expulsion.

New Hope Academy provides internet access for students, faculty, and staff use. This access has been established for a limited educational purpose.

Following are established regulations:

1. Users shall not use profanity or other inflammatory language, obscene or profane pictures/images, or similarly objectionable material that would reflect negatively on Hope Academy.

2. Student user shall never give out personal information such as his or her home address or telephone number. All users should know internet electronic mail is not a suitable means for private or sensitive communications.

3. User shall never post private or derogatory information about another person.

4. User shall not re-post a message that was sent to him/her personally without permission of the individual who initially sent the electronic message.

5. User will adhere to approved local site printing and file saving procedures.

6. User will not share or exchange passwords.

7. User will not access material that is profane or obscene, that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination toward other people. If a user mistakenly accesses inappropriate information he/she shall report this to a teacher or administrator immediately.

8. User shall utilize the New Hope Academy internet access for information and research which enhances approved educational goals and objectives. User will not use New Hope Academy provided internet access for personal gain. Students and school employees are prohibited from social media interaction outside of the New Hope Academy Facebook page. The site is monitored daily for appropriateness of comments and pictures.

9. User will normally be required to complete a school-approved training class or special orientation before he/she is granted access to the internet. Valid exceptions may be occasionally allowed.

10. User must understand his/her internet access is an asset of the school system first and foremost. It is not a personal or private resource, and he/she must know New Hope Academy staff may access computer systems and user data when required in the course of their assigned duties.


1. Violation of the New Hope Academy Acceptable Use Procedure will result in the suspension of internet access privileges. Violators are also subject to applicable disciplinary